// /** // * // * Copyright (C) 2018 GOJA, LLC. All Rights Reserved. // * // * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of GOJA, LLC. // * ("Confidential Information"). // * // * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in // * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with GOJA. // */ // /** // * Less Styles of Sales360 Theme // * // * @author Javier Moya // */ /** * CONTENTS * * 1. Miscellanous * - Variables * - Mixins * - Misc * 2. Header * 3. Content * 4. Footer */ // 1. Miscellanous // Variables @import "variables.less"; // 2. Header @import "header.less"; // 3. Content @import "content.less"; @import "section-startselling.less"; @import "section-clientcarousel.less"; @import "section-howsellerwork.less"; @import "section-clientsay.less"; @import "section-understandseller.less"; @import "section-amazon.less"; // 4. Footer @import "footer.less";